I'm more active in my FB fanpage: Mama Chak's Recipe.. So find updates there.. No, I'm not abandoning this blogspot altogether.. It just that I could not find the time to write!! *cries*.. Menu & Price List is still valid.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Untuk Mama

Lama tak upload gambar-gambar kek biasa. Asyik2 hantaran, wedding cakes, hantaran... .. Cupcakes pun lama tak upload kan? ala.. design dulu kala la... tak sempat nak perah otak for new designs.. So, today, I nak post gambar kek biasa... My ex-colleague ordered this for his wife's birthday. Alhamdulillah Zubir ada to send this to Mes1niaga. I kadang2 press my luck aje to get Zubir. To Satar, thanks so much for your loyalty to Mama Chak's Recipe, walaupun kat office tu dah ada pelapis2 gue yang semakin terer. Terima kasih daun keladi. (apasal la tak nampak option to change font to verdana... ?)


fizamior said...

nampak soo sweet & loving la this cake...


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