I'm more active in my FB fanpage: Mama Chak's Recipe.. So find updates there.. No, I'm not abandoning this blogspot altogether.. It just that I could not find the time to write!! *cries*.. Menu & Price List is still valid.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bowling Team

Mama Chak's Recipe's cupcakes are suitable for anyoccasion... even for a bowling tournament.. Heh heh.. Sebenarnya tak perlu occasion to eat my cuppies.. These cuppies were ordered by Liza, Wawa's colleague.. Segerombolan rombongan Cik Kiah datang to collect this cuppies. It was a pity that they came during lunch time and I am always on my toes come lunch.. or they could have stayed longer and chit chat.. To Liza and Wawa, thanks...!



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