Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Happy Anniversary Zeti & Fakhtiar
I am glad Zeti loved this as much as I enjoyed decorating it... She just told me to decorate cantik2 ya... and nak love shape... and when I suggested the colors of red and choc, she just agreed... :-) Mula tu takut jugak nak suggest the colors, sbb some ppl suka sweet and pastel.. some nak bright.. hehehe.. Congratulations Zeti & Fakhtiar!
Shaza's S & Y
I'm glad that I can always count on Shaza to snap pics for me. Shaza ordered these with a special design she wanted me to follow.. the S Y initial with choc curls which she designed herself. I like the final touches of the door gifts.. the pink ribbon and the butterfly were all done by Shaza and her family. Cantik, kan?
I was running around the day Shaza collected the doorgifts. Sent my aunt from JB and mom to Ikea, and fetched them afterwards, and decorated cuppies in between, and out again to deliver cakes and not forgetting Hannah.. hehehe...I feel fulfilled when I am able to serve my parents and my relatives despite my current busy lifestyle.. I would feel more complete when I cook dinner or lunch for the family.. which is very rare.. haha!
With the new year around the corner... I am yet to do again my Declaration of Excellence.. I am not waiting next year to accomplish them.. I've started by doing periodic updates to my blog... hehehe... Nak update blog pun kena berkejar... Ni pun boleh update sebab Hannah tidur, and Mas pergi outstation.. Else, I kena duduk comel2 ajer.. *wink*

Monday, December 15, 2008
Peach & Cream for Nadia!
and Nadia didn't want any green... :-) so, this is how it looks like without the leafy green yeah. I had fun working on this project with my kids helping me out folding 750 boxes.. By the way, Nadia decorated the boxes herself! yes.. Nadia, the bride! Nadia took the boxes 2 weeks before the wedding and gave me all decorated boxes ready for us to fold. I didn't sleep the whole night decorating the cuppies and packing them up. Alhamdulillah Hannah was such a good baby.. I fed her at 1am, and then at 6am.. *phew* .. To Nadia and Megat Azizi, Congratulations! I am glad that both of you are safely back from your honeymoon :-)
Bahtera Cinta
tee hee hee.... Kartina wanted to give a hantaran cake as a present for Khairul's cousin who got married on 12/12, and his cousin chose this particular cake as published in majalah Pengantin, credit to Choffles. She wanted it exactly like that since the future husband works as an engineer on a ship. Not a pirate yeah! I got Kak Jun to help me do the pirate... Kak Jun is my role model.. I've been a secret admirer of her ever since she worked as a reporter in a magazine. I didn't realize this excellent cake maker is my idol all this while.. You have to visit her blog. Her designs are really exquisite and breathtaking! Thanks dear Kart, for your trust! tee hee hee
Shades of Yellow
Peach & Cream Combo
This hantaran set was ordered by Etty for her cousin. The theme was peach.. and I added cream, so as to have two tones of colors besides the leafy green. I had the pleasure of chatting with Etty while she patiently waited for me to finish up decorating the mini cuppies she ordered. Heh heh.. I yang gatal nak pergi walking with dear hubby jugak pagi tu...*wink* so secara tak langsung Etty and I ada bonding session lah that morning.. hehe. Thanks Etty!
Shawqi is 6!
and another Ben10 added to my collection! I so love edible images... and I got it from Ayu or some know her as Loveliana. Check out her blogspot if you are a baker and looking for edible images, or if you want to learn on how to decorate cakes. I have witnessed Ayu teaching her students on some cake decorating technique (when I dropped by her house to collect the edible images) and I tell you, it was so fun! Some also have asked me if I teach...hehe.. not at the moment... :-) with Hannah around and Iskandar... adoi!
Pink and Peach Combo
Luke & Chin Yue turned 11..
All the way from Muar..
Ena called me from Muar to order some boxes of cupcakes including this one. Initially she wanted to come over and collect the cuppies herself for Farah & Firdaus... but somehow the trip to KL was cancelled.. But, she still managed to taste them when her brother brought some back to her. Ena also re-ordered some more for hantaran and doorgift recently... tapi I tak sempat nak amik gambar... Hopefully if Ena snapped some pics.. it would be great for my collection.. Ena, thanks again.. and the next time you come up to KL, make sure you drop by my house yeah! xoxo!
Selamat Hari Lahir Ibu
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
J0nas Brothers
I am so KZ (ketinggalan zaman) nowadays! Thank God that I am in this cake business. By decorating cakes for kids, I am still in the world of disney, and at the same time get to know the current teenage craze - the Jonas Brothers! Thank you Tengku Rozina!
On a different note.. I am glad Nurin and Dania are safely back home from their 10-days holiday. When they were not around, I was singing the tunes of Broery Marantika's Bulan Sabit apa ntah ajer... dah lepak ngan Mas aje kan..... I'm glad they are back to hip hop me again!
Little Mermaid for Dania
My second daughter, Dania turned 8 on November 20th, and wanted me to throw a party for her. Musim cuti sekolah kan.. Orang semua dah pergi holiday... and it was kinda last minute preparation. So, I just brought her to Artisan Cake Craft where I usually rent the novelty tin and got her to choose what she wants and she chose Ariel, the Little Mermaid. And mentang2 lah mak dia yang deco the cake, she wanted the lips to be pink instead of orange... Suka hati kau la Dania.... and also since it was a last minute thingy... I could not find a party planner to conduct the games, so I hired Nurin, and her friend Celine to organise it! The kids had fun and most importantly Dania enjoyed it! So, whoever needs help organising games for your kid's birthday, you can also call me yeah... They are 12 y.o. so their price is very reasonable *wink*
Sarah Alya's Disney Princess Cake
Sarah's dad, Zafrin was a colleague of mine at M3siniaga. He wanted me to bake Sarah's cake exactly as per the photo he forwarded to me. I'm glad to know a week later that Sarah was happy with the cake... and so was I! Thanks Zafrin! and Happy Birthday Sarah Alya!..
On a different note, Sarah was also one of the names in my head for Hannah... Mas Sarah Seroja.... best jugak, kan? and so was Elisa.. Mas Elisa Seroja.. tapi Elisa tu 3 sukukata la.. plus Mas tak nak letak nama Elisa sbb nama kawan dia.. kecoh sungguh :-p.. I pun ada kawan nama tu jugak.. :-p
Ben10 for Hazim Firdaus
Leen, Hazim's mom ordered Ben10 for Hazim's birthday. Dania was not around when I did this, else she would be elated... as per her words.. 'Ben10 tu boyfriend Dania dulu.. masa kita ada Cart0on Network'... I made the right decision to unsubscribe to that channel! *phew*.
Happy Birthday Hazim Firdaus!
Red & Pink Anniversary Mix & Match Cuppies
50 tahun Jubli Emas
Selamat Pengantin Baru Alif & Nurulhuda
Chocolate Swirl and Green Roses for Hantaran
Selamat Pengantin Baru Fairuz & Hashima
Gold theme wedding cake
When the theme color is gold.. I would usually suggest yellow or white roses... as I have not seen gold roses sold in store before.... If you know where to find them, let me know! :-) We can still have a touch of gold using the organza gold ribbon tied around the pillars.. or use the satin flowers sold at SSF (nope, I've not done that.. but I know it turns out pretty too). Thanks Saiful for this order... This travelled to Seremban for his sister.. I'm touched!
Selamat Pengantin Baru Ika & Nizam
Pink and Green were the theme color for their wedding, and I chose shades of pink and parrot green for the icing. I kinda like this parrot green nowadays.. unless specified to use pastel green or no green at all.. otherwise, parrot green is a must! These cake and mini cuppies travelled all the way to Ipoh! Mazni mentioned that she arranged the mini cuppies arround the wedding cake with the bride and groom's edible image on top. Selamat Pengantin Baru Ika & Nizam... I remember decorating their cake and cuppies with hubby reciting poetry on love... yeah... he is 'si penyair' who can easily come up with poetry just like that.. So, these were decorated with love in the air.. *wink*
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