I'm glad that I can always count on Shaza to snap pics for me. Shaza ordered these with a special design she wanted me to follow.. the S Y initial with choc curls which she designed herself. I like the final touches of the door gifts.. the pink ribbon and the butterfly were all done by Shaza and her family. Cantik, kan?
I was running around the day Shaza collected the doorgifts. Sent my aunt from JB and mom to Ikea, and fetched them afterwards, and decorated cuppies in between, and out again to deliver cakes and not forgetting Hannah.. hehehe...I feel fulfilled when I am able to serve my parents and my relatives despite my current busy lifestyle.. I would feel more complete when I cook dinner or lunch for the family.. which is very rare.. haha!
With the new year around the corner... I am yet to do again my Declaration of Excellence.. I am not waiting next year to accomplish them.. I've started by doing periodic updates to my blog... hehehe... Nak update blog pun kena berkejar... Ni pun boleh update sebab Hannah tidur, and Mas pergi outstation.. Else, I kena duduk comel2 ajer.. *wink*

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