This is it everyone! It's time.. Time to reduce the number of cakes to bake.. Effective March, I shall limit the number of orders per day to 2 customers only... Good news is that I can still accept if you need cupcakes for door gifts up to 250pcs or a 3-tier wedding cake. I think, in April kot baru start 2 cakes per day.. So, if you are interested to order, please, please, please place your orders the soonest possible time to avoid dissapointment, and do not be angry with me, as I am only human with a big tummy. And I have started taking orders for April too. I am due, insyaAllah in May ... err end May kot..
Btw, as mentioned earlier, I collect all edible images every Wednesday, so pls place your orders for edible images at least before Monday, or better still, the sooner the better.. Like a customer once said to me - you can never change a birthday.. so order early to avoid dissapointment and again jangan la marah I if you missed the boat..
I am still unsure of my pace in making gum paste flowers yet.. last week, I main belasah aje accepted orders for homemade flowers.. nak dekat 50 kuntum kot.. Hari2 buat from 8am till 2pm.. Break at 10am.. siap ada jadual waktu.. and panic unnecessarily sbb takut tak sempat siap.. So, I rasa if you like the homemade flowers for your hantaran or you have a special color like lavendar, or lilac (instead of purple), pls place your orders at least 2 weeks earlier.. so I can make them dengan tenang.. Here are some of the pics for you to enjoy Some I mixed with store bought flowers..

and the lavendar.. oooh.. susahnya nak dapat warnanya.. tu, second attempt on the colors.. sekali nampak macam lilac, sekali nampak macam lavendar.. the advantage of homemade flowers is that you can almost get whatever color you want compared to store-bought flowers.. which is purple, tak de nya dia nak layan lavendar or lilac.. LOL..
And gambar yang enter frame this time is this shocking pink heart shaped requested by Mummy Eleen.. The theme was pink and black.. Well, I had to ask her permission to use shocking pink (since it goes very well with black - compared to pastel pink).. and she agreed..
And, this King of Pop's - This Is It was ordered by Leez for her son Nabil..Thanks Leez!