I'm more active in my FB fanpage: Mama Chak's Recipe.. So find updates there.. No, I'm not abandoning this blogspot altogether.. It just that I could not find the time to write!! *cries*.. Menu & Price List is still valid.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Super Mario on cupcakes

Wah! Sudah lama sungguh tak update blog.. Seriously! I know I owe you guys a lot of stories and pictures! Dapur baru sudah in operation since 3 weeks ago. Masuk je dapur baru, kerja tak henti2.. (kumpul duit maa... kan dah buat kitchen.) In fact, ada lagi barang2 dalam temporary kitchen, tak sempat nak transfer lagi. And sekarang sudah ada WiFi! Yeay! Can access the net from my kitchen! How cool! Tak de la berulang alik to my 'office' dah.. Kadang2 anak beranak laki bini access internet in the kitchen. Aliya, the next time you come, you can bring your own laptop and help me upload pics! LOL! I love technology! Enough about me.. I'm supposed to update you guys about you! The people who challenge me with all sorts of things.. So, tonite, I'm gonna post only 1 entry. I know... I baru jumpa login ID to my flickr .. LOL... punya la lama tak upload.. sampai lupa. anyways...

This SuperMario and PacMan theme was ordered by Yoke Lin for her beloved boyfriend. She gave me a few pics for me to follow. I enjoyed doing the mushroom with the sharp teeth most! Menduga sungguh! Thanks Yoke Lin for the order. Till then everyone! Good nite!



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