Sorry sangat2 sebab tak sempat nak update blog. So many things have happened.. Dengan yang ambil PMR nya, dengan yang balik kampung sampai 5 bulan nya, dengan minor renovation to the house nya.. dengan mr hubby's policy : "No maid, no bake" nya.. Apa nak dikata.
Alhamdulillah, everything falls back in place in October. Juriah arrived on 9/10 and Nurin's exam finished on 11/10. Terus I accept orders you! Rasa rindu tak terkira dengar bunyi mixer yang bingit itu. Hehehe..
Anyways, this is a short post to say I'm baking again. I've actually accepted orders last month, but I didn't have the time to update my blog.
New flavors: Red Velvet, Oreo, Coffee (perfected), Rainbow (takla new kan? This is so last year,.. Iskandar dah nak celebrate again his birthday next month.)
New designs: Stack cakes, Castle cakes.
New Pictures: dah lama tak snap guna my dslr. Asyik guna phone aje, and terus upload to my personal facebook. Nanti I upload dalam Mama Chak's Recipe Facebook ya. Dah lama juga tak masukkan dalam flickr. Entah laku lagi ke tak account itu.. Note to self: check flickr account.
New pricing and Upgraded ingredients.. Don't worry, still affordable. Tersangat affordable. :-)
As you can see in my FYI box, sudah sendat for this weekend. But do text juga, sbb kadang2 boleh selit2 lagi for adhoc parties gitu. May not be able to answer phone calls.
Hari Isnin, hari lari2 sana sini beli ingredients.
Hari Selasa, hari tungkus lumus balut ice cream cones for the castle turrets.. and buat nama2..
Anyways, I would like to leave you with some pictures to feast your eyes..