Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Kisah Aliya...
Ingat Aliya? Refresh memory here.. Sebenarnya Aliya tak serah diri macam tu aja... Asalnya, she ordered a hantaran fondant as a gift for her BFF - Emey Shafina. She came to collect the cake with Emey, but Emey had to go somewhere else after that. So, she had to wait for Bahri to fetch her after Friday prayers. It was like God sent! She helped me cut the cake board for Izu's hantaran, fold boxes and even babysat Hannah! Then I got her to call Bahri asking him to fetch her after work.. I lah ayat dia... sian Bahri kerja kat Jalan Sultan Ismail kena datang amik Aliya lunch time.. dah tu bukan pegi mana pun.. lepak kat ofis Bahri aje.. KAH KAH KAH! My hidden agenda! So, Bahri agreed. Macam2 Aliya buat... dan macam2 benda terjadi in 1 day. I am grateful that Aliya is cool with the 'mishap'. She is one cool girl! She is also cool with the lunch spread at my house. Truly! Having lunch at my house is not like lunch at any typical Malaysian household.. Betul... Back to Aliya's story... After lunch, we started with Shaza's doorgift.. I am truly impressed with Aliya.. That was the first time she held a spatula! And to spread buttercream on a cupcake is not as simple as it looks.. My words to her: Takpe.. yang mana tak jadi tu, nanti I touch up.. Anyways, Shaza and Yuzi came over after that and Aliya helped packed the doorgifts! After all was done, we had Juriah prepare us tea.. the tea leaves brought all the way from her home town at Jawa Tengah! She had to boil it first.. Truly organic! And Aliya named it teh ganja... asyik hooked on it aje.. We had some packed for her to serve Bahri..Aliya dear... I shall remember that day forever! Thank you so so much for your help! xoxo
Asyik cerita pasal kejadian hari itu saja.. lupa nak cerita pasal kek ni.. Kek hantaran ni Aliya nak special.. tak nak bunga2an biasa yang I selalu beli tu.. So, I got someone to do the flowers for me.. If you want to have this kind of roses, it is RM5 per piece.. Up to you, nak berapa pcs.. Aliya nak penuh kek.. Around 17 pcs kot I guna.. (tu la - upload lambat lagi... kan dah tak ingat). I tak pandai buat bunga ni.. Masa nak letakkan dia atas kek, punya la takut! They are so heavy and so the pretty!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
3-tier pink kaler wedding cake
My only son (so far), Iskandar, age 2+ only knows the word pink... or in exact words... pink kaler.. biru pun dia kata pink kaler.. kuning pun pink kaler... dunno where he picked that up..
This 3-tier pink kaler themed wedding cake was ordered by Nana for the her cousin's wedding reception... Flavor is carrot cake... Mujur majlis kat Shah Alam.. Nana collected the cakes ard 10am. So, sempat la the cakes thaw for the majlis potong cake... Nana pun dah expert susun2 cake nih.. Thanks Nana for thinking of me everytime! xoxo..
Monday, September 28, 2009
Doraemon Cuppies
I have actually done Doraemon cuppies dulu kala.. tatkala my bestfriend sekolah rendah, Ainain Meskam ordered them for her brother's wedding.. Sayang I could not find the picture to upload. You see, Ain and I lost touch when my dad was transferred to Kelantan. As a government officer, my dad kena transfer here and there.. 1981-1988, I sekolah kat Sekolah Kebangsaan Ampangan, Seremban before I was transferred to Sekolah Kebangsaan Kota, Kelantan. Ain's mom makes the best nasi lemak.. I still remember her tupperware... orange kaler.. and I lah yang ngap sekali her nasi lemak time recess.. Err my food was lousy... roti ngan jam... apa kelas! I still remember her face everytime 1 sudu masuk dalam mulut I.. Sian Ain! And how Ain found me? Thru this blog!!! Cool tak? Alhamdulillah.
However, this one was ordered by Chiew Yoong for her friends. Thanks Chiew Yoong! It was nice to finally meet you after a few orders.. :-) To my BFF, tak sangka jumpa... xoxo
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Upin & Ipin
Budak2 memang suka Upin & Ipin... I jarang tengok this local animated tv program. Honestly, I jarang tengok TV nowadays.. I do have my favourite tv series though, but I watch them on DVD, like Heroes, Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives.. So, if ever hubby had to go to JB for work, I would text him a list of tv-series and movies that we would like to watch... and siapla lepas tu.. marathon la kami.. A good thing about it is that, I am not tied up every Wednesday or Tuesday to watch.. Bad thing about it.. errr... why think of the bad thing? :-D Anyways, I (not my kids) was introduced to Upin and Ipin on one of hubby's business trip to JB.. and cerita ni memang kelakar.. betul betul betul.. Semoga industri animasi negara bertambah maju.. To Lieza CSA, thanks for orderring this piece.. ada jugak Upin and Ipin in my resume... and as usual edible image tu diambil dari Arie&Ellie
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Mikail is now 7
I would know the age of my blog, everytime Mikail's aunt, Kak Zaida calls me to order a cake.. and despite my heavy schedule or even if it is last minute, I would accept this order with open heart... Memang last minute gila... or else I would have ordered an edible image for the Manchester United logo. Mujurlah lukisan gue tidak ke laut.. and Alhamdulillah customer gue yang sorang ni tak fussy... and sentiasa supportive... Thank you Kak Zaida! Love you lots!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Mix and Match Barbie Pegasus
For Elysa's 3rd birthday celebration, Juliana ordered the Mix and Match set, with Barbie's edible image on the cake. Kebetulan, I had a few edible images orders that week, so I got Arie to help me print the Barbie in 2" cupcakes size on the rest of the edible images empty spaces. So, dapatlah Elysa Barbie Pegasus images on cupcakes for free.. :-) To Juliana, thank you! and Elysa, Many happy returns everyday! Edible image source: Arie&Ellie
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Hotwheels for Afiq and Tok Bak
Iskandar suka gila Hotwheels.. mana taknya, cik abang gue tu, pantang nampak Hotwheels mesti nak beli kat Iskandar.. mentang-mentanglah he is our only boy (for now).. And I notice that Iskandar has a habit to bring along at least 1 toy with him everytime he goes out... even just for a short trip to fetch his sister from school. When Mimi texted that she wanted a Hotwheels for Afiq, I got her to send me the pix. Ada macam2 hotwheels kan... anyways... last2 sekali I yang pilih the pix as the pix she sent tak cukup size. Alhamdulillah for Mimi's faith in me. Thank you sister! FYI, min size for edible print requested by Arie is 300KB or more than 1000 pixels in order to get a good quality print. Edible print source: Arie&Ellie
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Red Thank You for Redmummy..
Seriously! Sapa tak kenal celebrity blogger: Redmummy? As for me, it all started when Aliya ordered a set of cupcakes for redmummy's belated birthday. Red was so happy about it and published it on her blog... Aliya told me to check it out the next day.. Honestly, I didn't.. Aliya gave me a sort of warning text message... sounded like this... "get ready to accept orders". True enough, the very next day, I was answerring phone calls, emails and text messages from redmummy's readers... Alhamdulillah... So, as a token of appreciation, I prepared this RED gift basket with RED Thank you cupcakes for REDMUMMY.. Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.. Amin.. To, Red, I do hope you win the 'Best Parenting Blog' in the Asia Pacific Blog Award. Too bad our schedule clashed on the 19th.. I missed the oppurtunity to meet you in person. InsyaAllah, panjang umur kita jumpa ya... And, to Ayu - Sarjan Paku3.. Thanks much for helping me send the basket to Red.. jasamu dikenang...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A white and silver wedding
The original order was just cake and cupcakes.. Agak pening jugak pada asalnya... sebab I liased with Shahrin.. and bukan Shahrin nak kawin.. He ordered for his friend, Noraidah... So, I ingat Noraidah la nak kawin... Anyways... on the day Noraidah's brother collected the cakes, I pun sms Noraidah to congratulate dia and enjoy her honeymoon. Rupa2nya bukan dia yang kawin.. LOL.. Cousin dia yang kawin.. The theme was white and silver... Honestly, macam kawan baik silver, gold, susahnya hati I when Noraidah sent me samples of fondant cake yang dia nak.. Ada one picca yang dia hantar tu, sebijik dengan gambar yang Shaza hantar. So, I pun tunjuk la gambar hantaran Shaza, and she agreed with some changes to the color scheme, of course. To the bride and groom, semoga sampai ke syurga
Monday, September 14, 2009
Shaza's Hantaran
Not for her! For her brother. And Shaza provided a few designs for me to follow. I buat yang mana I rasa I can do la and I altered a bit here and there.. hik hikShaza lives nearby my house.. Whenever she comes by to collect cakes, I would be so anxious to see her outfit. Just thinking of it makes me smile.. Shaza..Shaza.. Ni memang post lama.. Sbb a week after that Shaza ordered doorgifts.. Doorgifts ni dia collect on hari kelam kabut I tu, hari Aliya datang serah diri tolong I. Hehehe... Like Izu's parents, Shaza also watched me in action, and I gave her free cupcake decorating and packaging lesson... Cool tak? (konon la.. nak kata apa lagi dah..) Shaza, 19hb nanti nak pakai baju apa??
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Mocha Gold hantaran
This was ordered by Nana on behalf of her cousin. The theme was mocha and gold. I seriously ingat she wanted cupcakes, and I yo yo prepared brown roses... Ropa2nya she wanted cake. Since I don't do big flowers (yet), I suggested white roses with gold trimmings. I excluded green leaves, so that we totally get the mocha and gold effect. Berlari2 jugak I to Mama Charq Jedi's house and got her to help me with the gold ribbons. Hik hik... And I am glad to know that everyone loved it Photo courtesy of Nana Arshad.

Saturday, September 12, 2009
English Garden Hantaran
Remember tak akak yang sentiasa ceria? Kak Liza... err yang call I 18kali masa I terpengsan tu.. Anyways, she called me just a few days before I pergi cuti2 Malaysia and requested me to do her brother's merisik cuppies.. Siap hantar gambar from hey, cupcakes~! lagi. Memang cantik Hey, Cupcakes~!'s creations.. I like.. However, this was the outcome yang I buat. Nak tiru sebijik sebijon tuan punya design susah sikit la.. Azura tu terer.. I am glad to know that Kak Liza rated this cuppies a Perfect10!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Mysa
Mimi told me that her daughter Mysa watched AFC, or was it Travel & Living, whereby the chef baked a choc cake and frost the cake with white choc ganache. I tak pandai buat yang tu.. so, I suggested to Mimi a choc cake with white choc scrape on top. Mimi OK aje.. She talked her daughter into my idea, and walla! When I texted Mimi for feedback, she said Mysa was thrilled when she saw the cake.. To Mysa, Happy Birthday! To Mimi, I am touched by your support. THANK YOU.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Lightning McQueen
Husna called me to order a Lightning McQueen cake for her son, Shareef Anis. She asked to see a sample of the cake, but there was none in my collection. I have baked Lightning McQueen cakes before, but I did not upload the picture.. My bad! The one in this blog was actually hand-drawn. At that time, I could not find a shop that could rent the Lightning McQueen tin... And yes.. I use a special tin to bake the character cakes yah.. Only sometimes I cut the cake to shape, like the No 1 cake, the ship cake or the aeroplane cake (yet to be uploaded.)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tiny Silver Dragee
Uwaaa!! I spilled the tiny silver dragee... the glitter to be used for the mercun design for the raya collection. Doinks.. Tarik2 laci aje, nampak dah tumpah. And when I checked out BWY the other day, the silver dragee tidak kelihatan. Ada gold dragee pulak. (Dulu gold dragee out of stock for quite a while)... Anyways, maka dengan itu, the tiny silver dragee shall be replaced with colorful bulan bintang sprinkles yah.. To those who have place their orders, thank you very much. I still have a few slots - order tak tutup lagi. :-D
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Standing Barbie in green and White Gown
Whenever there is a request for a Standing Barbie, I would usually get Mama Charq Jedi to do them, despite the fact I had attended a class with Mr Hau.. Mr Hau bukannya pakai Barbie, but doll... Doll yang main pacak jer.. so senang lah... (senang pun tak senang lah kan... senang cakap). And kaki Barbie kan panjang, so we need to bake 2.5kg butter cake or 2 kg choc moist, so that the cake covers up till the waist. However, in the month of Ramadhan, Mama Charq Jedi is busy making Benji, and does not entertain character cakes. So, she gave me her tins(as usual... I selalu pinjam stuffs ngan Mama Charq aje, God Bless Mama Charq), and some pointers on how to stick the Barbie in.. She told me that she would come to help me stick the Barbie once I have decorated the skirt.. Tapi, I punya la malu ngan Mama Charq sbb my work was not as supperb as hers, so, I stucked the Barbie myself... (malu kat cikgu!). And here is the outcome of my first Standing Barbie cake.. And now, I look forward to do another one next week... Macam ketagih pulak... plus the fact that I can undress, twist and turn the Barbie around, I so like! This green and white Barbie along with Disney Princess mocha cupcakes were sent to Kak Nisa's niece who is staying in Kota Damansara. Seriously, Kak Nisa, is a role model to me.. She would make a point to send cakes and cards to her beloved ones on their birthday or any special day no matter where she is.. Ooh... I heard she is back in KL now with a little one in the tummy! Congrats Kak Nisa! Take care and thanks much! xoxo!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Cake kampung?
When Zubaidah requested a fondant cake for her wedding, I was more than delighted to do so even when I knew pretty well that I would not sleep that night. She is a good friend of mine and I am honoured to be part of her big day... But the challenge was, "Shaz, aku tak nak cake kampung".. Doinks!... Define Kampung please! She didn't answer me.. So, my aim was to make a non-kampung cake.. and when I showed the cake to Zubaidah, she was SOOOOO happy... and I was SOOOO happy too! I passed with flying colors! Cake pekan kah ini? To Zubaidah, Congratulations darling!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
52 tahun sudah
Dah 52 tahun kita Merdeka.. Honestly, to me, kemeriahan tahun ni tak terasa sangat. Mungkin sebab kita sambut merdeka dalam bulan puasa.. Then again , I tak nampak pun bendera Malaysia kat tiang2 lampu when we drove around that day... Bendera pun puasa rupanya.. Kat kereta2 pun kurang bendera2 comel tu.. I pun tak agree sangat with the bendera kecil tu. Bukan apa, bila dah terbang, jatuh ke jalan raya, kita langgar dia... then kena hujan, kena lecak... ..
Ok.. focus now. These were ordered by Farah aka BeeLove.. yang sekarang dah kerja as a Dr at Hospital Sungai Buloh. Farah ordered masa I pergi cuti-cuti Malaysia recently. It was for Majlis Buka Puasa. So, dalam dok jalan2, dok fikir design yang sesuai. Since tak de masa nak play around with the fondants, I thought of having the 1Malaysia logo as edible image to put on the fondant cupcakes. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, I had to redesign the cupcakes and use all fondants instead.. Thanks to my spontaneous hubby (yang tiba2 nak expand the trip to JB), for his ideas and support. (I sebenarnya plan nak movie marathon with the family.. but kejap2 lari ke kitchen... last2 they gave up on me.. They started off watched the ones yang confirm I tidur. I joined them once I completed my work .)...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Hari Raya Hari Yang Mulia
My favourite Hari Raya song till now is the 1st EON Hari Raya song - Raja Ema and Jamal Abdillah. I suka gila!. The fact that I suka gila Raja Ema when I was 12 tu satu hal lah kan... Anyways, like many have asked, I still accept orders for Hari Raya.. Last collection date is on the 18th September. I shall resume work again on the 24th September. I tak cuti lama this year as I have visited nearly all my relatives on the 1st week of puasa (yeah.. travelled from KL - Kedah - Penang - Kelantan - Terengganu - Pahang - Johor - Melaka... penat gila!).. So, there are some changes in the raya route this year.. ;-)... Ooh... and below is the design fo this raya... You can choose Floral Raya, Retro Raya, or Kiddy Raya.. Yes, you can specify the colors to me if you wish.. or you can trust me.. No problemo.. (ps: ketupat design inspired by IKEA!) and yes, you can have this design on regular or mini cupcakes too. RETRO RAYA
Ayu and Eliz turns 30!
As I wrote the title, I remember the day I turned 30... Nothing much happenned that day... But I do remember that I stopped counting my age till now. Hek! And when someone asks me my age now... I would do a mental calculation (which is pretty slow)... and amazed of how 'young' I really am. I've never met Eliz actually... I usually liase with Ayu way back when Mama Chak's Recipe was not online yet. A very supportive and helpful young lady. To Ayu and Eliz, Happy turning 30! Have fun! God Bless!
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